
Your Path to High Performance

What I […]
Wendy Jones
July 16, 2022

What I enjoy so much about this new ‘What I Meant to Say’ podcast journey is the wisdom that flows from people of all ages and walks of life

This helps me connect the dots to high performance. One of these great conversations was with Mike Hagensick, a Special Education Consultant and Swim Coach from Iowa, not to mention a husband and father to TWO sets of twins, ages 4 & 2 (that should shed some light on his energy level). Our connection came through my favorite podcast,  Finding Mastery

Years ago, Mike started a program to teach special needs kids how to swim that caught my eye.  I sent him a small donation to support his efforts and our conversations have continued through his podcast with the E3 collective and now mine.  This week, as I worked on a video about the IEP process to send to an teachers' conference in Iowa, I was amazed at how that long-distance connection (we’ve never met in person)  that started out small has helped me see my own massively transformative purpose for my own life:

I started Be Better because I believe that every human, not just an athlete or a performer, is on their own path to high performance and through storytelling, human connection and better understanding of the habits and innovative products and services that are out there to help us unlock it,  we can build an empowered community to inspire that journey

Pulling on this thread has helped me unlock healing in myself, my kids, and the people I work with so that our lives become more calm and connected and, through that, purpose emerges.  I count my blessings daily that so many meaningful relationships have come from this social media space…it doesn’t just have to be a place of mindless scrolling.  The world is smaller because of it and there is a parallel universe of great wisdom emerging beyond the dust of the 24/7 news media that help us find alignment within ourselves and build that out into our communities.

This weekend part of this connected vision comes to life down in Louisiana. 

My friend Shawn Ledig, another entrepreneur, athlete, and family man, with boundless energy and heart, put together a volleyball team for the Special Olympics and they compete on Saturday, July 16.  I wish I was there because just through the photos and videos he has shared, I can feel what he has achieved.  The path to high performance and inclusion are not mutually exclusive, and Shawn and his team are living it.  Kindness is inclusive, and that helps everyone BE BETTER.

There is a spring in my step, because work doesn’t feel like work and this world of BE BETTER expands and sheds light in corners that need to be seen.  Don’t be afraid to reflect on where you have been, it's likely to lead you to a place of greater passion and purpose.  Check out some of these What I Meant to Say conversations and stay on your own path to high performance. There is a beautiful view when you can see the universal truth in every story, and realize that your path doesn’t look like anyone else’s.

With Optimism,


Who doesn't need a little Zac Brown wisdom in their weekend;)

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hello world!
About the author:
Wendy Jones is a mother of four, lifelong athlete, writer, and optimism & resilience coach and speaker. Through 20 years of parenting and relationship struggles, she believes that vulnerability and our willingness to share our stories is a way to heal ourselves

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