
What I Meant To Say - The Podcast

One of the reasons I love being a writer is because I get to work from my strength.  My personality has always been more reserved and, like many of us,  I tend to be hard […]
Wendy Jones
March 13, 2022

One of the reasons I love being a writer is because I get to work from my strength.  My personality has always been more reserved and, like many of us,  I tend to be hard on myself.  Along with the love I have for a great story, writing opens up a space where I can process slowly and use an eraser or a backspace button before I put words into the world. It’s the great pause and sift that we don’t get as easily in conversations. But it’s also hard to find anything I like more than real human connection.  The kind that abandons small talk and gets to the heart of things that matter, make us stronger, and the world better. 

What I also believe to be true about this life is that it’s good to indulge our curiosities and challenge ourselves. I’m a creature of habit, so I’ve gotten used to that scratchy feeling that settles in when I’m prodded to try something new and know I need to accept the challenge because my life story is not meant to leave it undone.  For a while now, I have thought I wanted to start a podcast.  I spend a lot of time listening to some great ones…Finding Mastery, A Bit of Optimism, and my friend Jason’s Dibelius’s The Option to name a few,  so I’ve got some good research under my belt.  I also love the podcast world because it elevates ordinary stories that don’t make it into our sensationalized and divisive mainstream media, but connect us through the universal truths of being human.  So, starting next Wednesday, I’m excited to introduce to you on all major platforms, my new podcast….WHAT I MEANT TO SAY

I believe that the greatest gift we can give to the next generation is our own self awareness and the goal of What I Meant to Say is to connect us through the visions, stories, and life lessons of people rising in sports, business & life and uncover the optimism that is sometimes front and center, and other times under the surface. Throughout my journey, I have experienced many ‘What I Meant to Say’ moments, but since life doesn’t give us do overs, I’ve created a space to reflect and tell our stories again, with a little more grace for ourselves, and the hope that we can help others, and all get a little better for having listened.  

Podcast conversations come out raw, there are no erasers or backspaces on these talks.  I want to say thank you to Jason for his generous effort to tech my show and let me get my feet wet in his recording studio. Without his  energy, heart, and willingness I wouldn’t have been able to make big strides this quickly. So without giving too much away about what is to come, I hope you will join us for the unerasable moments that we capture on WHAT I MEANT TO SAY.  I’ve had a blast recording already and if you have a story that you think would make for a great conversation, send me an email or a DM and let’s talk.  The first episode drops this Wednesday, March 16, I hope you will listen, subscribe, and tell me exactly what you meant to say. 

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hello world!
About the author:
Wendy Jones is a mother of four, lifelong athlete, writer, and optimism & resilience coach and speaker. Through 20 years of parenting and relationship struggles, she believes that vulnerability and our willingness to share our stories is a way to heal ourselves

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