
Lean In to the Curve

I’ve fallen asleep for the last five nights swimming in a sea of gratitude for this place, it’s absolutely alive with the most magnificent energy I’ve ever experienced.  I’ve never been “glamping” but I would consider this trip exactly that.  We dropped in on a place in the rainforest where people are the visitors and […]
Wendy Jones
July 23, 2022

I’ve fallen asleep for the last five nights swimming in a sea of gratitude for this place, it’s absolutely alive with the most magnificent energy I’ve ever experienced.  I’ve never been “glamping” but I would consider this trip exactly that.  We dropped in on a place in the rainforest where people are the visitors and our energy was on loan from the trees and wild creatures that call it home.  It was a week of calm, the jokes were pure and funny, and we found one of those places in the world that will make me better just because I know it exists. Luke wants to bring home a monkey, I want an Ocelot…since neither will happen, I guess we’ll have to come back to visit.  

So often the lesson for me is about letting go -

Letting go of expectations, of control, of the way things are supposed to look, and when I slow down and see what is, I realize that we are exactly where we are supposed to be.  There will always be things in life that come to challenge us and make us stronger, but when it’s peaceful and good, don’t forget to sit and watch it for a moment, you can see the energy glow in this place.  It lowers my heart rate and brings tears to my eyes, because often I forget about the time that has passed and the places we have had to go to get to this place.

The last podcast I did before we came on this glorious trip was with Jim Karas, New York Times best-selling author, he and his daughter wrote Confessions of a Division I Athlete together. One of the things we talked about was the importance of showing your kids your mistakes.

What I realized on this trip

We have broken through to a place that is so real and honest that anywhere feels like home, and we have a closeness even when we aren't together. It’s a beautiful place to sit, be able to trust this energy, and know how to stoke its fire to help them create a life path that has no expectation of what they will be, just who they will be. My deepest desire for each of them is to be strong, kind, unselfish, and free. 

I saw our family’s collective nervous system on this trip.  It's healing and it's good for all of us. To be able to downshift together wasn’t just calming, but confidence-building as well.

Lean in

As I sat on the back of the jet ski with my 17-year-old driving, I realized that I’ve spent most of my life struggling to lean into the curve and go with the struggle.  That need for control comes when I try to avoid what I don’t want to happen, rather than trusting that the struggle is part of the process to lead to exactly where we are supposed to go. This week that struggle broke free to a beautiful flow that I’ll never forget.  It’s a wonder to sit and look at these beautiful giant humans…22, 20, 17 & 15. This is a definitive sweet spot. What a ride it’s been, and with our energy recharged, it feels like it’s just getting started.

With optimism,


A new one from one of Luke's favorites;)

1 2 3 13
hello world!
About the author:
Wendy Jones is a mother of four, lifelong athlete, writer, and optimism & resilience coach and speaker. Through 20 years of parenting and relationship struggles, she believes that vulnerability and our willingness to share our stories is a way to heal ourselves

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