
Alchemy Over Strategy

I usually don’t have the title of  a blog when I sit down to write, generally speaking it comes last.  But I have leaned into something new that has given me so much peace in […]
Wendy Jones
May 21, 2022

I usually don’t have the title of  a blog when I sit down to write, generally speaking it comes last.  But I have leaned into something new that has given me so much peace in the hardest moments of transition  that I knew it was time to write about it.  I’ve been working with Emily Hightower,  a beautiful mentor who helps so many with her deep knowledge of the intersection of biology and psychology. To have time with her each week to process and apply what I have known intuitively forever has been a gift.  Just like every athlete has a coach that says something in a way that instantly changes their process, Emily had a zinger for me a few weeks back:

“It’s about alchemy, not strategy.” she said. 

Instantly I knew what she meant, and I connected with the truth that strategy is exhausting.  When I fall into it, It doesn’t take too long until inspiration and energy feel tapped out. 

Do you know what alchemy is? According to Webster it’s a seemingly magical process of transformation, creation or combination.  But I have a new definition.

Alchemy is what happens when we lean in and trust our mind, body, and spirit and all the energy around us to support us in a process of growth and change…which life always seems to have in store for us in one way or another. 

Whether it’s a graduation, new job, new team, beginning or ending of a relationship or launching a new venture, we can often get stuck thinking there is just  a technical strategy to get from Point A to Point B.  When we become aware of our own special alchemy though, we develop what works uniquely for us in the midst of all the data and universal truth out there.  Alchemy is freeing and never forced and gives you the energy and ability to trust in transition. It’s  what I depend on to create stories and coach others along the journey too.  

It’s a time of year that always reminds me that change is the only constant.  Somehow that should make me feel better at this point, but change is hard. As human beings we crave what we know, we will even repeat patterns that aren’t healthy because we haven’t learned to work with the alchemy of change.

Here are some of the ways we can honor alchemy over strategy: 

Embrace what Is and look for the beauty. I encounter things on my path everyday that remind me of what I want in the future and things that feel different than how I thought I wanted them to feel.  But finding gratitude for what is always brings me back to the infinite possibility of change and gives me the energy to work for it. 

Work with your limbic brain.  This is the most primal part of our brain that functions to keep us safe at all costs. If this part of our brain hasn’t learned to feel safe, our executive functioning logical brain will not be able to convince our body and spirit of anything.  To work with this part of your brain, try using the pronoun you with any affirmations you use. YOU will finish this project.  YOU will make the team.  YOU are loved.  YOU is the specific pronoun that speaks to this part of your brain, try it.  It’s worked wonders for me and I think you will feel something release deep inside of you that unleashes a calm through any change or challenge you experience. 

Work with your biology.  There are so many active recovery strategies that I highlight in my High Performance Zen Course  that you can engage with to promote cellular change in your body that your mind and spirit will begin to embrace.  Through breathwork, cold plunges, yoga, meditation and sound healing, I have used each of these to develop my own healing alchemy through so much traumatic change.  Whether the transition to single life and parenting or the ankle reconstruction I have been healing through since February, each of these processes that helped me create peace, self awareness and forward progress instead of giving in to self doubt in uncharted territory. 

Try Reiki - Working with the energy in your body and the universe, reiki is able to stimulate the natural healing process to promote deeper health and healing.  I would love to show you how.  It’s calming, safe and gentle and you will love it.  It’s safe for athletes, kids, I even use it on my animals and brings deep calm and connection to your mind, body and spirit. 
What I know at this point is that life is one long transition.  It’s going to bring you things that are greater than you ever expected and deliver blows that knock you off your feet.  But trust in the alchemy that will bring peace to the process and help you BE BETTER with each passing day.  Feel into it this weekend and enjoy it. Rest in the knowledge that what you need to succeed is within you and keep your eyes and heart open to what will add to your process.  We are bringing it to you at BE BETTER.  Come join us on this journey, and add your alchemy to this amazing process. 

With Love & Optimism,


Check out this awesome flow mix that I love to write to. Music is always part of my alchemy:)

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About the author:
Wendy Jones is a mother of four, lifelong athlete, writer, and optimism & resilience coach and speaker. Through 20 years of parenting and relationship struggles, she believes that vulnerability and our willingness to share our stories is a way to heal ourselves

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